Guys the will of people to park in the protected bike lane on Peachtree Street is actually cray
This was on Tuesday. 80% of the lane is protected with ballards & yet people endeavor to maneuver and fully block it like this💀💀
A few weeks ago, some SUV driver fully pulled into the bike lane in front of me while I was biking. If I hadn’t been far enough away to brake, I would’ve hit them head on or swerved into incoming traffic bc it’s a one way road going the opposite direction ಠ_ಠ so I had no way to go around besides stopping and going on the sidewalk.
After I told them it’s illegal to drive in the bike lane, their excuse was that they were lost and didn’t want to pay for parking💀💀 like girl you could’ve killed me, why would you use that as an excuse …
I’ve been noticing the Peachtree St bike lane has been blocked off a lot more often recently – often delivery/freight trucks.
It’s a PITA bc I usually am in a hurry to get where I’m going & don’t have time to tell them to move or call the cops on them or the vehicle will have left by the time the cops get there.
Actually, on Thursday, I had to swerve around a delivery truck that was blocking half the bike lane, JUST AS A COP CAR drove by. And guess what … they did nothing ofc…. Sigh…
All in all, just more evidence that car-centric cities need fully blocked off bike lanes if they want to ensure cyclist safety!!!!! ರ╭╮ರ
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