yumminess: 3/5 it is not bad but it is also not good
non-vegan similarity: 3/5 most ppl can tell it’s a vegan alt
price: $4.5 at Sevananda
hmm it was just really mid. It had that really stanky vegan-cheese-barf-dog-food smell so I was really sus of it. But it surprisingly didn’t have the vegan-cheese-barf-dog-food smell taste. It just tasted pretty plain. Didn’t really hit the mac & chz spot for me but it’s fine as a side dish. The macaroni texture was good. GF rice pasta on top. Don’t think I would buy it again.
Ethics Notes: idk that much about Jovial as a company. Certified USDA organic.
Our Prep: I followed the box directions which is basically boil pasta, drain, add some milk, then add the box seasoning.
Ingredients/Allergen Stuff: Certified Gluten-Free.
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